Help us change lives through cycling!

NICA is the leading interscholastic cycling organization in the United States. Since 2009, NICA leagues have spread to 31 regions around the US, we have impacted the lives of over 27,000 student-athletes, and have an amazing volunteer corps of more than 16,000 folks just like you who choose to give back to mountain biking. Volunteering with the Maryland League is easy and fun. You simply follow the link to our page, find the date and time that fits your schedule, and sign up. We'll train you and provide everything you'll need. If you sign up for a double shift, we'll feed you too! Sogn up for three shifts in one season and earn yourself a MICL pint glass or camping mug.

Find descriptions and see videos of each position right here, so you'll know just what you're signing up for.

When you sign in for your shift on the day that you volunteer, make sure to let our Volunteer Coordinator know your team affiliation if you've got one - the team that earns the most volunteer hours will get special recognition at the end of the season.

This link will take you to our 2024 group signup page. From there, select the MICL event you wish to volunteer for, then the role and time slot desired. Thank you!